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Nice party

Bachelor girl party she is beautiful and full of joy. I know because I also had a bachelor girl party and I have to say that it was all really perfect. And we also thought that this party would be for my sister as well. She will also have a wedding, so I thought we could celebrate together. We will both be brides! That will be beautiful. And I was very happy when my sister agreed. She was very happy and excited to have both a beautiful and romantic Bachelor girl party that will be ours. So we were both very happy. And big preparations for our big party have also started. But what are we going to have there? We had no idea what such a big bachelorette party looked like and what it should be like. Bachelor girl party must be perfect for us. It`s only once in a lifetime. So I thought we`d look at the computer, where there will be some examples of a beautiful big party.

When is party, so everybody is happy.

And so we did. And we found there that we can have the big party we want. That there can be absolutely everything we love and we can have it everywhere. And do you know where we had our big bachelorette girl party? In our park. Our park is very beautiful and romantic and my sister and I wanted a beautiful and big party.

Wedding is very romantic and nice situation.

There is beautiful green grass everywhere in the park and there is a pond where there are swans, so it will be very nice and suitable for a wedding party. And we also invited twenty-five friends. My sister and I want a lot of people at our party, because that`s very nice. And so we did. Everything was perfect and our mother and father helped us. They made great food and a lot of drinks so that we would not miss anything and we had everything. It worked a lot. She really liked our bachelor girl party and I`m really looking forward to our mom getting married. Yes, you read that right! Our mother will also have a wedding. She is divorced and has a new boyfriend, everything is ok with our dad. And there will be another wedding in a year. Splendor!